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Our visits
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For wine and history lovers, the wine road in southern Quebec, offers a nice stopover for history lovers.

museesm.jpg (21572 bytes)It is in 1797, soon after the American Independance war, that americans, faithful to the British Crown, decided to move north of the border in Lower Canada and built a mill on the Brochet river. Many others americans followed them and so was born the village of Stanbridge East in Montérégie.

When they are in the center of the village, visitors can relive that atmosphere, surrounded by 19th century ancestral american houses made of bricks and painted wood. The Brochet river crosses the whole village and it is on its shore, at the old Cornell Mill built in 1820, near the dam, that you will find the Missisquoi Museum.

In this small museum, many exhibits telle the story of the region. Different exhibits are presented each year and one can also buy books relating the history of the region as well as local handycrafts.

Also, at the lower level, scenes of the last century everyday life have been displayed. For example, you can pay a visit to the printer to have your latest pamphlets of the Temperance League printed, or pay a visit to the blacksmith.

The complete medical kit of the last century, as well as the doctor's bag, will most certainly give you the chills with its monstruous seringues or its saw always handy for on the spot amputation. After that, one can only appreciate today's modern medical knowledge in spite of the long waits at the emergency room.

On the second floor, a very special display of a miniature traveling circus, carved by person living in the village who was very impressed with the visit of a traveling circus, complete with lion cages, fortune teller, bearded lady and all. Also on display are some old Fenians uniforms, Those groups of former yankee soldiers, who swore to invade Canada as a revenge against the Brtitish Crown.

The visit could also take you down the street to the Hodge General Store, where people met and could accomodate you for food as well as the latest fashion available for women. you could visit Bill's Barn, with its unique collection of agricultural machinery, stage coach or hearse.

Like I said at the beginning, this little detour on the wine road, will make you dream of a time where life was more simple, at will be a nice stop on your quest for a perfect wine.

How to get there!

If you come from Montreal, take Autoroute 10 south, exit 55, and then route 235 south towards Farnham, and drive to Bedford. Follow the sign to Stanbridge-East.

For the people coming from Quebec City, take Autoroute 20, exit 130, then route 116 and route 135 south to Farnham, then to Bedford. Follow the sign to Stanbridge-East.

Coming from the USA, you can come in through route 101 (US) or by 89 Freeway or by East-Franklin. route 108 (US)

Have a nice visit.

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