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Welcome to all in our Valley!

i2.gif (704 octets)t is with great pleasure that I welcome you on the new english section of the Magazine du Richelieu. As you will see along your visit, we have greatly improved our website. It is now driven by databases, which make it easier to manage and update as well as improve the download speed.

New articles and photos are available and our mission is still to help visitors discover the social and cultural life in the Richelieu Valley. We still cover the area on the shores of the Richelieu river from Lake Champlain to Sorel. We have reorganized our road map where you will find a list of merchants as well as general informations about each municipality. If you are in a hurry, simply enter your search parameter in the white box on the left hand side menu and click "enter". For a more elaborate search, use our advance search link.

We hope that this website becomes your reference about cultural events or touristic attraction and services in our region. We will present you with people who have decided to live in our valley and have participated in its development.

As you will see in our pages, you could also use the Magazine du Richelieu as a virtual address book for all kinds of ressources (touristic or commercial) available to visitors or residents, such as restaurants, bed and breakfast, activities and so on, or to plan a weekend escapade in our valley.

We hope this magazine will become a window for residents to present their touristic products or services to potential clients. Visitors to this site will have access to a wealth of informations such as contact information to all the municipalities within our area, tourism related businesses but most important, we will try to introduce you to interesting people in our region. We are presently trying to put together a network of contacts to keep you posted on the events and news in our Valley. If you are a resident of the Valley and wish to participate in our network, you can fill in the short form to let us know how you could participate as soon as possible.

In the meantime, I wish you an interesting visit and awaits your comments or suggestions so that the Magazine du Richelieu is a perfect reflection of our valley.

Have a nice visit!!

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Jacques Dubey, Editor
Le Magazine du Richelieu